Services for Parents, Families, and Students

Initial Consultation: Empower Ed will meet with clients to prepare them for the meeting and/or debrief afterward.  For example, a client may be asked to attend a PST meeting about their student regarding teacher and school concerns. An Empower Ed consultant/advocate will meet with the client to hear their perspective and help prepare them for the meeting. After the meeting, the consultant/advocate will ensure that the client understands the outcomes of the meeting and how to move forward.

Meeting Advocacy: Empower Ed attends meetings with clients to advocate for their student’s best interest. For example, Empower Ed’s advocate/consultant will attend any school meeting, such as IEP, special education evaluation, Section 504, disciplinary, and/or PST meetings. We will engage in a collaborative process to build partnerships between the school and family to support students.

Initial Meeting Prep/ Meeting Debrief: Empower Ed will meet with clients to prepare them for the meeting and/or debrief afterward.  For example, a client may be asked to attend a school meeting about their student regarding teacher and school concerns. An Empower Ed consultant/advocate will meet with the client to hear their perspective and help prepare them for the meeting. After the meeting, the consultant/advocate will ensure that the client understands the outcomes of the meeting and how to move forward.

Document Review: Empower Ed will review educational documents such as special education initial evaluations, IEPS, 504 Plans, disciplinary paperwork, progress reports, report cards, teacher information, assessment information, academic/educational test results, and neuropsychological evaluations.  After review, the consultant will explain the paperwork in terms the client can understand and describe possible implications. 

Consulting: Empower Ed will consult with clients on any educational topic, such as special education,  IEPs, 504s, personalized PRPs, assessments, disciplinary procedures, school procedures, Gifted and Talented, and Multilingual Learners.

Parent Training: Empower Ed will offer group training based on relevant educational topics.

Student Advocacy/Coaching: Empower Ed will help students understand their goals, accommodations, and support structures, empowering them to advocate for themselves and fully utilize the resources available to them.

*This is general list of service. If you do not see what you are looking for, contact us, and we will let you know if it is a service we can provide.